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10 of the Best Around the Table Dinner Party Games


10 Best Around the Table Dinner Party Games

Chuck and I dinner-party a lot (yep I just made that a verb). We have a large group of friends who like to dinner party and we rotate locations and styles year round, getting together at least once a month, and often more. Over the years one would think that we would get sick of each other or run out of things to say, but that never seems to be the case. We are lucky to all have many, and varied interests that keep the conversations flowing, however once in a while we like to change things up. Typically this happens in the form of games.

We love a game that fosters some healthy competition, can be mildly embarrassing and produces lots of laughs. Over the years we have developed a number of go-to’s that I thought would be a good idea to share with you all.

Seriously try these out at your next party and you won’t be sorry.

  1. Heads up – A game developed by Ellen Degeneres that is so much fun. You can download the app on just about any phone and play anywhere.
  2. Great Minds – Break the part up into teams and choose 10 categories. Each guest must write down the first 3 things that come to mind. The team with the most repeated words wins that category. The winning team is the team with the most wins at the end of the 10 categories.
    • Category ideas: Clothing Brands, Action movies, Things to Eat with Rice, Italian Food Favorites, Breeds of Dog, Children’s Books, Historical Figures, Chick Flicks, Past Presidents, Fast Food Restaurants, Kitchen Utensils, Board Games, etc.
  3. Scattergories  – This is another favorite game of ours that can really spark some good conversation and some laughs.
  4. Famous Person Game – someone chooses a famous person to be and pretends to be that person until someone guesses who they are. The person with the most correct answers wins.
  5. Charades – One person chooses a word or phrase and tries to get the other party members to guess what it is without making a sound.
  6. Pictionary– Yet another well-loved game in our house. Chuck and I have learned a lot about each other playing this game, mainly who is the better artist (hint: It’s totally me).
  7. 20 Questions – One player chooses a person, place or thing. The other guests can only ask yes or no questions in an attempt to figure out what the player is thinking.
  8. Cards Against Humanity or Apples to Apples – I love cards against humanity, but I can appreciate that it’s not everyone’s cup of tea, so in that case Apples to Apples is a good “socially acceptable” alternative.
  9. The Newlywed Game – Or the couples game. Whether you are an actual couple or you choose your best bud to be your partner this game can get really funny. Someone asks a series of questions and the couples write down their answers on separate pieces of paper. Once all the questions are asked compare answers and whoever has the most compatible answers wins.
    • Here are some suggestions for the Newlywed Game:
      • What is your partner’s favorite vacation spot?
      • Whats your partner’s favorite drink?
      • What is one of your habits that they hate,
      • What is your partner’s favorite restaurant?
      • What was your first date?
      • What car did your partner drive when you met?
      • What is your partner’s favorite band/musician?
      • What is your partners most embarrassing moment?
      • What is one item of yours they want to throw away?
      • What was your partner’s first job?
      • What do you call your partner when no one is around?
      • Where was your first kiss?
      • How many kids (or dogs or cats – substitute where appropriate) does your partner want?
  10. Ghost – This is kind of a round robin game where the first person says a letter, and the second player says a letter and so on until the word is spelled. Whomever finishes the word loses the round and is given a G-H-O-S or T. Once a player receives all 5 letters they are out. The game continues until there is one player left.

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