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10 Reasons Why You Should Get Outside this Summer

I am a firm believer in the healing powers of the outdoors. Even if you are just taking a couple steps out of your back door here are 10 reasons why you should get yourself outside every single day this summer.


  1. Vitamin D. You get it from the sun. Nuff said.
  2. Blooming flowers, unless you have allergies, in that case, refer to the one above again.
  3. Fresh air. The air in your home is the same stuff you have been breathing in all winter long. I’m sure that it can’t be good for you. I mean all those cold germs, and musty, moldy nonsense just think about it. Plus there is some kind of science that says being outside increases the oxygen in your blood or something.
  4. Getting outside is a good excuse to burn a few extra calories and talk a walk, or play some sports. I mean there is way more room for activities out there than inside.
  5. Beaches and lakes are warm. At least up here in the great northeast it’s not very long that you can actually jump into the water with out a fear of loosing your toes. Take advantage of that.


6. Frozen cocktails are better outside. That’s just science.

7. Computers and TV take a toll on your eyes. Why not sit outside soak up some vitamin D, have that cocktail as discussed in no. 6 and let those puppies relax a little? Fresh air and warm sun reduce stress. I mean this is kind of like an obvious one. Being inside is like being boxed in, free yourself!

9. Better sleep. All that sun and activity will help you fall right to sleep.

    10. Boosting your immune system. I mean aside from better sleep, vitamin D, and the germs you are killing with all that alcohol, there is also
something to be said about all the studies that say getting out of the city and into nature boosts your immunity.


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