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100+ Things to Compost

Around here we are always trying to reduce waste, and one of the easiest ways we have found to do that is by composting. I love that composting makes waste useful again by providing my gardens with valuable nutrients. A few more added bonuses are that we are sending less of this volume into the landfills, using fewer garbage bags, and have less smelly garbage.

After working with compost for a few years I’m still absolutely amazed by the sheer volume of stuff that can be composted. I put together a list of everything that an be composted to my knowledge, though I’m sure someone will point out something that I’m missing. Some of these things are stuff that you would have never considered tossing into your compost before, so have a scroll through.

And there you have it, over 100 things to compost. As I said before I’m sure that there are more I am missing, but it’s pretty amazing how much household garbage can be turned into wonderful and useful compost for your garden.

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