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An Afternoon Stroll in the Woods





Last weekend we went to Shelving Rock Falls; a beautiful spot near Lake George. The 3.4 mile (round trip) hike, took us roughly 2.5 hours, including a long rest on the lakeside, while I took numerous pictures of the ducks, and the mountains. The trail itself could hardly be called strenuous, though finding it may have been. Not that it’s difficult to find, it’s just rather far off the beaten path. It’s the perfect hike for small children, and families, the beautiful lakeside spot makes for a perfect picnic location. I was even able to find some really beautiful stones that I can polish up and make jewelry out of. Spending time in the outdoors even if is just an afternoon fills me with so much happiness, and inspiration. I mean the world we live in is really a beautiful place. Have you stopped to take note of it lately?
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