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Appreicating Simple Recipes & Wild Rice Pilaf

I LOVE cooking (obviously right?), so I have a lot of recipes. Even a few that I don’t or haven’t yet shared on here. The reason is simple; it’s a lot of freaking effort. I have to plan, prepare, cook, photograph, edit, write a post, a recipe, double check it all and then it’s ready to post.
Wild Rice Pilaf

Sometimes I just want to write down a recipe and hold onto it for later use or to share with others. There are about a million places to do that, but lately I have been keeping track of them all on So I uploaded this recipe recently that I have made a bunch over the years. I didn’t post it on this blog because it was such a simple recipe that I didn’t think it would generate a lot of traffic, and honestly I wasn’t that excited about it.

I’m not going to put myself through the hoopla I just described if I’m not excited about it. This blog is meant to be a hobby, something fun, and therefore I don’t put pressure on myself for it because then it would defeat the purpose.

Anywho; I uploaded this recipe and within a day it received double the views of any other recipe I had uploaded to the site. Did you catch that? Within. A. Day. What’s more, is something I hadn’t noticed until I was looking at these results was the very next most popular recipe was my Parmesan Pasta Recipe, also a super simple recipe that I make all the time. The reason for this phenomenon I’m not quite sure, but it’s made me think that perhaps this is in fact a recipe worth posting on the blog. Maybe simple recipes are  something to get excited about, I mean we all need then from time to time, we all make them, and I’m sure that those non-cooking people would really appreciate a good explanation of how to make some of these simple dishes.

I won’t wax on about the virtues of the simply prepared dish instead I will leave you with the recipe in question. A perfectly simple side dish that can elevate any meal, and as an added bonus it is completely clean. Enjoy!

Wild Rice Pilaf

1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
1 onion ( chopped )   
2 carrots ( medium, peeled and chopped )   
1 cup wild rice, raw
2 1/2 cups water1 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup peas ( fresh or frozen )   
1 teaspoon black pepper
1 tablespoon scallions ( chopped )    
In a large sauce pan Heat oil over medium high heat and sauté onion, and carrot for 5-7 minutes or until the onion becomes translucent. Add rice water and salt to the pan and bring to a boil. Once boiling reduce heat to low, cover and cook for 50 minutes to an hour. The rice should be tender, and water dissipated. You may however need to drain the last little bit. Add peas, pepper and stir to incorporate. Serve with scallions on top.



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