As someone who cooks a lot I get asked questions all the time. I mean, finding a way to answer cooking questions was the main reason I started this blog way back when. However, lately I’m getting asked questions that in all honesty I can’t even stomach responding to anymore.
Venison Poutine Recipe
Growing up in upstate, NY there’s a few, shall we say area delicacies that you run into from time to time. Poutine is one such delicacy. Hailing from Quebec much of the Northeastern United States has adopted this dish as a local tradition, and it can be found in numerous restaurants around. For my version I added venison, because who wouldn’t love a venison poutine?
…Carrot & Zucchini Salad
Of the things I am learning to do these days, embracing a simpler way of cooking is pretty high on the list. Also topping the list, is letting loose on the reins a little bit and keeping the house in order. Those things sound counterproductive I know, but there’s a lot that happens when you suddenly have a couple little kids requiring 90% of your attention.
…Disappearing Squash Orzo
We’ve reached that time of year when you can’t give away summer squash and zucchini. They are everywhere, and everyone is over it. I mean no one in this family truly loves these veggies so we were over it pretty quickly around here. I was happy to come across a number of recipes from Animal, Vegetable, Miracle, which I’ve been reading for what seems like forever(#momlife). This one for disappearing squash orzo has been dubbed the favorite so far.
…How we are Removing Plastic From our Lives
This post was updated to reflect some newer changes.
Plastic is one of the biggest sources of pollution on our planet. It does not break down, so if it’s not recycled it just kind of hangs out, building up in our landfills, clogging up the stomachs of numerous wildlife, and suffocating our oceans. It’s a problem, but it’s also something that so many of us depend on in our daily lives, so cutting it out can be a challenge.