Another thing that’s a lot of fun is snow. I wasn’t sure about it at first but now I love it. I love to run and jump in it and make it fly all up in the air. I like to attack it while mom and dad are shoveling, so I end up with it all over my face. I really like to run in it, I feel like a little bunny jumping through it all.
Hiya hide Ho Guys!
It’s been a while since I’ve visited Mom’s blog, so I thought I’d give you an update on the puppy life.
Since it has gotten cold mom has stopped running outside with me, but I don’t mind so much, because no I get to go to Day Care once a week right near here work. It’s great; I absolutely love Miss Shawna and all my friends I get to play with them all day! Sometimes afterward I’m so tired I don’t even eat my dinner and I just get in bed when I get home. It’s THAT MUCH FUN!
The thing I don’t get is snow balls. Dad makes them and throws them for me to get but right after he throws them I either loose them, or if I try to bite them they disappear. It’s crazy!
Know what else is crazy. My mom. She’s been really into cuddling lately. She’s always trying to pull me under the covers on the couch and snuggle her. Sometimes I really like it because it’s really warm and I get sleepy, but other times I have to be like “mom, no. I’ve got to be able to roam free and bark at the wind when it makes the house creak. It’s kinda my job ya know?” She doesn’t get it, but they never do do they?
Well I’ve got to get going for now. Hope you all have a great weekend!