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Camping & Craziness

Today I’m taking part in a link up that Chrystina is running on her blog today. The basic idea is to share the best and worst part of your week this week. Then link up to see what is going on in everyone else’s week.

One Up

Last weekend we got in some camping, with friends before it
gets super cold. We went to this same spot last year, except this year we were
able to get a spot right on the lake. The boy’s did a lot of fishing while I cuddled
up for some good reading in front of the fire, one of my absolute favorite
things to do ever. It did rain on us, but we made it work, and my plan to make
Maple Chipotle Pulled Pork & Beans was a perfect choice to warm us up. I’ll be
posting an over the fire version of this recipe soon enough. 

In the mean time, let’s talk about Pat’s Red Neck Hollandaise Sauce. I mean that kind of decadence while camping is unheard of for us, but it was so good, it may have to be repeated. It’s good to have friends with a similar interest in food.

Pat’s Red Neck Hollandaise Sauce (serves

½ cup sour cream
½ cup mayonnaise
1 tsp lemon juice (more if necessary)
½ tsp plain mustard
½ tsp fresh chopped rosemary

Combine all ingredients in a pan and heat over hot coals
until the mixture becomes smooth and creamy. Serve Warm.
One Down
This week was/is a little hectic just like the last few
months have been. I can feel my energy waning, I desperately need to find time
to heal, and detox a bit. I know that Chuck is feeling the same, we have just a
few more weeks of craziness ahead and then hopefully we can dial it back again
and recoup.

Even though my schedule has been a bit of a whirl wind my
mind has been exploding with new ideas and project and I can hardly contain
myself. This busy schedule means I haven’t had a chance to work on anything and
I can feel it starting to tear me at the seams. I cannot wait to have a moment
to flush out some of these ideas. 

PS: Check out my interview over on If Found, Make Today. 

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