Looking for your new favorite chicken recipe? Stop right here, because this Citrus & Allspice Roasted Chicken is it.
Grilled Chicken and Spring Vegetables
I absolutely realize that I’s been summer for something like a week so far, but I shot this recipe the day before the solstice, so I’m running with the title spring vegetables title. Can you handle it?
…Massaman Meatball Curry
In our house, we love a good curry. Really, we love any and all Indian food, even a lemon pickle (if you know, you know). Admittedly I don’t share them on here enough, but truth be told I’m pretty awful when it comes to cooking Indian style foods. I just can’t get the spice combinations right, so I use pre-made….
Leftover Turkey Croquettes
We are getting to that time of year when figuring out what to do with your leftover turkey, becomes an actual thing. I’m sure we’ve all hit that point at sometime when we have eaten enough of the same old leftovers that we are ready for something a little different. I mean don’t get me wrong, I love my share of hot turkey sandwiches, but I also like to switch it up now and then….
Wild Turkey Sausage Recipe and a Late Fall Salad
Hunting wild turkey has never been Chuck’s favorite things to do. However, when you haven’t seen a deer all day and come across a turkey you might as well bring it home, right? I thought it was a good call anyway, and put the turkey on the menu for the next day….