Meatloaf, the American classic.
I know it’s one of those things that rustles up a lot of different opinions, and I get that. I mean it’s a loaf of meat for goodness sakes, but it’s still, in my opinion, one of the best things around.
By Jessica
Meatloaf, the American classic.
I know it’s one of those things that rustles up a lot of different opinions, and I get that. I mean it’s a loaf of meat for goodness sakes, but it’s still, in my opinion, one of the best things around.
By Jessica
The cold weather has begun to settle over us here in the northeast. We have gotten a few snowfall (though not much has stuck), a few freezing rains, and plenty of below freezing weather. I find myself reaching for wool socks and cozy sweaters as I get ready for work, and stuffing the pocket of all my coats with spare gloves just in case. It’s officially that time of year….
By Jessica
Okay, so this might very well be my new favorite recipe.
I know I say that a lot but seriously you guys this one is sooo good.
By Jessica
The fall weather has officially started to make itself known. I regret to admit that the tops of trees are just beginning to turn and mornings are starting to get chilly. As much as I love fall I always still lament the end of summer. The carefree days of hiking and boating are some of my favorite.
By Jessica
Since spring has come Chuck and I have started to make walks around the yard a regular habit. It usually happens when we get home from work or on Saturday mornings before breakfast or even just randomly throughout the day if we are home. It’s a great way to look and talk over the projects that we have going and see how the garden is doing. It’s also a really great time to talk and reflect about the day ahead or behind or days far into the future. We have a lot of future plans to talk about between the two of us.
It was on one of these walks that we first stumbled across what looked like morels. Having never picked them without my dad around I sent one home with my mom to make sure before we harvested some. When we bought our house it was surrounded by trees that were owned by our neighbor, who had them removed shortly after we moved in, leaving behind a thick bed of wood chips from the process. These morels were found all along the edge of our property where the wood chips ended. I’m wondering if the small forest (she said it was something like 150 trees) was home to a well-developed morel colony and if these are all that could make their way out from the suppressing wood chips. I suppose we will never know, but I’ll take what I can get from my own back yard.
The first few morels were just sautéed up in a pan with some oil to see what they tasted like, and the second round was put into this dish. I made this meal on a whim last Sunday since it was one of the few nights that Chuck and I had alone together, we decided to have a kind of date night in. We cooked fiddleheads and morels from the back yard, micro greens from the garden, and venison that Chuck got last year. If only my potatoes had gown last year (and not gotten water logged) then all the main portions would have come from our own two hands. Creating a meal from things completely at my own hands is something I would like to make a regular occurrence one day and a goal that I’ve had for a very long time. We are getting closer every day and I’m so excited about that.