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C&G November

Documenting the big moments in life have become increasingly important to me and in an attempt to get better at it this year I will be doing a monthly series C&G (or Chuck and Ginger). I hope to use this series as a way to remember our first year of marriage together. Each month I will include the event’s from the 19th of the previous month to the 18th of the current month, allowing the series to end on our first anniversary.

Find past C&G posts here. 

At the end of October they dressed up as Peg & Al Bundy for Halloween and went to a pretty cool party.

With the house in running order they decided to cut a big hole in the wall and add a sliding door in the dining room with the help of Poppa Chuck.

He went hunting and brought home the big prize!

She visited old friends and reveled in  a weekend away.

They both enjoyed Friendsgiving and a weekend home together and relaxed mornings for the first time in a long time.

The end of November is all about them working together to prepare and store the big prize to last the year and getting ready for the upcoming holiday season.


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