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Christmas Decorations: Minimalist Style

I am a huge fan of minimalist decorations, especially around Christmas. One could go crazy with all the decorations that are available. Being a renter we don’t always have the storage for piles of Christmas decorations, or the room to display them all. Personally I find minimalist decorations to be more suited for our lifestyle. Things like pine boughs and strings of cranberries add cheer, while making our home smell wonderful, and at the end of the season they can simply be thrown into the compost pile. No cleaning, repacking or storing. It’s so much easier, and still fairly cheap!

Popcorn and cranberries cost roughly $5, while the string and sewing needle I used to string them were basically free. The paper snowflakes are made from scraps of paper in the recycling bin at work. The adorable set of jars I found in the cupboard and filled with leftover cranberries, and some tea lights. The front door is adorned with simple cedar boughs, pine needles, and pine cones, all wrapped up with hemp. See simple and easy.

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