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Clean Orange Chipotle Chicken Stir Fry


So way back when I fell in love with this recipe from (great place I tell ya). We are talking several years back, and as great as it is I haven’t made very much of it, probably because it’s not one of those quick and easy kind of things I like most of the time, and what vegetable do you serve with it? Well I decided to revamp the recipe into a stir fry, and made a few other additions, because we are trying to be healthy over here. It came out pretty darn good in my opinion, and now that it’s made that much easier (only 20 minutes!!!!) I think we will add it to the rotation a little more often.
For starters I used chipotle chili Powder because I already have it in my pantry, and I like recipes so much more when they don’t require a fancy ingredient I have to search the shelves for (chipotles in adobo sauce are not that popular in upstate NY apparently). I made it as basic as any other stir fry recipe, and added a few spices to the mix, like turmeric. I like turmeric because it turns
everything a really bright vibrant yellow, and I’m told it has all kinds of benefits like fighting Alzheimer’s and what not. I chose peppers and broccoli, because my love of broccoli runs deep, and peppers seemed like a good fit, plus we don’t eat them that often and variety is good for you too.
I just put it over plain rice because there was plenty of flavor in the recipe already, but I’m sure the cilantro rice in the original recipe would be a great addition as well.

Orange Chipotle Chicken Stir Fry

1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
1 lb boneless, skinless chicken breast, cut into bits size
1 tsp chipotle chile powder
½ tsp ground cumin
½ tsp turmeric
1 tbsp pure maple syrup
Juice from one orange
1 tsp orange zest
1 small yellow onion, chopped
1 medium red bell pepper, chopped
1 medium yellow bell pepper chopped
1 head of broccoli
Heat oil in a large skillet over medium high heat. Add chicken and cook for about 5 minutes, stirring regularly. Add spices, syrup, juice, and zest cooking for another minute, stirring well to combine. Stir in the veggies and cook for another 5 minutes until just tender. Serve warm over cooked rice.
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