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Everyone seems to be doing these currently, recently, what I’ve
been up to, kind of posts lately. I guess they’ve always done them I just never
really caught on to that band wagon, not that I haven’t tried once or twice. It’s
just not the kind of thing that lasts for me. Sometimes I just feel so separated
from this space; like you guys have no clue anything that goes on in my life. I
mean yeah, I come here a few times a week, and drop a few lines about my new
favorite recipe, or ideas for upcoming even menus, books, cocktails, link ups
and all that nonsense, but do you guys really feel like you know me? I guess
the better questions is do you want to know me?

I feel like you do. I love learning more about bloggers in
these kinds of posts so I’m gonna roll with it and you can tell me to stop at
any time. No guarantees that I will but you can feel free to throw it out
Writing: my
workout plans and results to help keep me motivated. It’s really working well.
Eating: Everything
green. I cannot explain why I have been having these insane green veggie cravings.
Maybe it’s the season.
Working: my butt
off at work. I seriously need a break from all that. Memorial day weekend
please come sooner.
Wishing: I wasn’t
so busy so I could my butt in the woods. I’m feeling unbalanced right now.
creativity. Since it seems to have slipped away from me lately. 
Learning: A lot about
photography. I’m a slow learner so it’s taking me a while but I love the way my
pictures are improving. Thank you Pinch of Yum!!
Attending: Lots of
baby & Bridal Showers
And Searching: for just the right thing. It’s not easy when you want
to do more than just grab something off the registry.
Trying: Desperately to
reduce the amount of things that we have. It is another of those slow and
steady projects I have. Consumerism is a suffocating disease.
Listening: to Lana Del
Rey. I am addicted.
Loving: Being able to
sleep with the window open, and smell the fresh spring, post rain mornings.
Making: A real effort
not to be so hard on myself. If dinner isn’t on the table on time, or if it is
and it’s nothing special, it’s not the end of the world. If the house isn’t
clean I’m not going to die, it’s not like the queen of England is coming over.

Doughnuts. I blame instagram.
Thanks for playing along. What have you been up to lately?
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