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End of May Garden Update

End of May Garden Update
  While I realize I just did a garden update only two weeks ago so much has changed already that I feel the need for another, so here we go.

Chuck has been hard at work mulching all the gardens and going through 3 cubic yards of the stuff. He has also been working on taking down trees and building our deck. We still have a few more things to mulch we will probably pick up another yard soon. Our soil is very poor and lacks hardly any nutrients so mulch is pretty much our lifesaver right now. I have even had to replant peas because half of them would not grow in our soil. As you can see below our yard is kind of a huge mess, this is what progress looks like people!

Our blueberry bushes are flowering already! Since this is their first year I plan to pick off the blooms so that it promotes more root growth. Hopefully this will make for a healthier plan next year.

The raised beds are doing much better. The early seeds that I planted have already come up and needed to be thinned which is super exciting. I also put in a few colder weather starter plants, such as cabbage broccoli and kale. Wherever I’m getting my kale seeds is just not working out for me. This is the second year in a row that they did not come up at all. This year I broke down and bought a pack of kale starts to put in their place. Along with the veggies I picked up some herbs including dill, oregano, thyme, lavender and tarragon. I also planted beans, more lettuce, and some cucumber seeds. While it may be customary to plant some of these things a little later in the year I got excited and wanted to get them in before we mulched. If we do happen to get a cold snap, which I’m kind of doubting, I have everything ready to protect them if need be.


We were able to get all of the thinning that Momma Chuck gave us into the ground before the mulching, along with some pretty little flowers. Things are looking a little tiny, withered and sad right now, but once they settle in and start growing I get the feeling that they are all going to look beautiful! I’m totally excited to see how the year pans out.

How are your gardens looking?

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