While we are on the topic of fall drinks I wanted to talk about a new protein shake that I have been in love with lately; Warm Chai Tea Protein Shake. I have been finding it harder and harder to get out of my nice warm bed in the cold fall weather so i havent had alot of time for breakfast, and this has been a great fill in, because I can drink it in the car on the way to work.
Warm Vanilla Chai Tea Protein Shake
3/4 cup milk, warmed
1/2 cup water
2 chai tea bags
1 scoop vanilla whey protein
Bring 1/2 cup of water to a simmer. remove from heat and steap with both tea bags. Once fully steaped, the water should be a dark color. Place all ingrediants in a blender and mix well. Serve warm.
I use loose tea when I make it so I can make the chai as strong as I want. I also use a protein shaker bottle instead of a blender, less clean up that way. If you want you can use a prebought chai mix as well just warm it up with the milk. I have also been known to make regular tea and spice it up myself with cinnemon, ginger, nutmeg, and cloves. Another thing that you can do is add a 1/4 cup of oatmeal to thicken it up and add some carbs. It’s really about whatever floats your boat.
I SO want to have a photoshoot in a leaf pile! I use to love being little and jumping in the leaves! One of my favorite things about fall! 🙂
Thanks for the info. I actually started doing this because of another post http://www.travelingtriplets.com/2012/09/freaky-friday_28.html
That fall bucket list came from lovesoflife.com She actually made one for last year AND this year, just changing the year on the top. (That on the above printable has been blocked out) Just in case you wanted to get an updated copy!