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Best of SL&G 2014 FREE ebook

I’m super excited today to announce the launch of my new
You may remember the first ebook that I launched back inNovember well that one is gone and a brand spankin’ new one has taken its place.
This book is a compilation of 30 of my most viewed,
commented, and shared recipes from 2014. The photos are better, the recipes are
way better and I guarantee you will enjoy it.
To get your free copy
all you have to do is sign up below or on the side bar with your email address.
I promise I won’t overload your inbox, with crazy emails. Aside from the once a
month newsletter, you will only receive occasional info on special bonus’
(think cook book giveaways and first look at new ebooks).

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Subscribe to our mailing list & get a FREE copy of The Best of Sweet Love & Ginger

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Note: I am working on making the Best of SL&G 2012-2013
available for purchase. In the mean time if you would like to purchase a copy
for $0.99 shoot me an email
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