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Garden 7.23.18


Last month I started a new series for documenting my garden this year. This is installment no. 2

For the first time, maybe ever, I was able to get all of my seeds in the ground and everything planted right on time. Of course that meant that the weather had to be difficult and everything in our area got a slow start anyway. What can you do? Things are finally starting to pick up around here and i’m so excited to finally be seeing some vegetables come in. We had our first handful of garden veggies (that were greens) with dinner the other night, it was pretty fabulous to say the least.

In the video below, I give a tour of both my veggie and herb & tea gardens. You can see how everything is coming along there.

There is still a lot to be done obviously. I never got the mulch in between the beds that I wanted, but maybe this fall? I tried a number of new things this year, any again learned a lot. Just like every year, I have a laundry list of new things I want to try out next year. including more mulching. I know I’m not doing enough, but I’m also always worried about smothering some vegetables. How do you get your root vegetables to plump out when using mulch? I planned on using the squash as a living mulch, should I have planted those sooner? So many questions. All advice is welcome.

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