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Gardens and Grilled Corn with Herb Butter

Right now my garden is looking beautiful. All of my plants
are thriving, and I couldn’t be happier. I’m using any excuse to add a bit of that
freshness to our meals.
Herb butter can go on so many things, green beans,
asparagus, virtually any seafood (especially clams, just sayin’), steaks,
pasta. It’s so simple yet adds this huge boost of fanciness to any meal. I
usually make a whole bunch of it and stick it in the freezer to defrost, and
use as needed.
Sunday of this past weekend I made a fresh batch to smother
our grilled corm with. It’s not quite corn season here, but it was on sale at
the store, and I was too excited to pass it up. I also made turkey burgers on
whole wheat buns and a sprout salad.
I over planted pretty heavily in the garden. Last year I had
trouble getting anything to even come up so I wanted to be sure. This year I have
had to thin everything out, so some radish, arugula, and Swiss chard sprouts, along
with a few pea shoots made a nice little side salad. I used that Honey Mustard
Poppy Seed Vinaigrette that I have been obsessed with once again. I swear I will
eventually get sick of it, but we still have a long way to go before then, so
get used to seeing it around.

Grilling the corn is easy. I have done it about umpteen
million ways, but shucking it and popping it on the grill until it is warm, and
bright yellow, with just the slightest hint of char is my favorite. For one it’s
the easiest, and two that light hint of chard adds just a hint of Smokey flavor
that I love.

Herb Butter
1 stick of unsalted butter softened
1 tsp powdered garlic
½ tsp salt
2 tbsp minced fresh, parsley
1 tbsp minced fresh chives
2 large basil leaves, minced
Combine all ingredients in a re-sealable container. Stirring
until well mixed. Serve at room temperature, or freeze for later use. (Can
remain in the fridge for 7-10 days).

What is your favorite part about this time of year?

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