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Green & Yellow Beans: 4 Ways

Right now the garden is overflowing with green and yellow beans (mostly yellow). We cannot eat them fast enough, so I have started putting a few in the freezer, but I’m still loading up our meals with quite a few of them.

After a long weekend away visiting Chuck’s parents in VT we came back to the mother-load of beans. So I decided I would cook them all in one night.

Now the issue was how to make a load of green beans appealing to us. I opted to make them in all of
our favorite ways, the idea being that they would feel like separate side dishes and not be a chore to
eat, plus it would be a great way to showcase my favorite green bean recipes here on the le blog. 

Charred Barbeque Green Beans

1lb green or yellow beans

¼ cup prepared barbeque sauce

Place grean beans on a preheated grill over high heat and
cook until the outsides begin to char. Toss with barbeque sauce and serve.

Quick Greek Style Green Beans

1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil

2 cloves of garlic, sliced

1 lb
green or yellow beans

Juice from ½ a lemon

½ a lemon sliced

¼ cup of feta cheese crumbles

In a large frying pan heat oil and garlic over medium heat sautéing
for 3-5 minutes, or until garlic begins to brown and become aromatic. Add beans
and toss cooking for an additional 1-2 minutes, just enough to heat the beans
through. Transfer to a serving tray and toss with lemon, juice, and feta

Bacon and Caramelized Onion Beans

2 or 3 strips on bacon

1 small onion sliced thin

½ tsp salt

1 lb
green or yellow beans

In a large frying pan cook bacon until crispy and remove
from pan. Add onion to the pan and sauté, you may need to add a little olive
oil depending the amount of drippings in the pan. Reduce the heat to medium and
add salt. Cook the onion, stirring occasionally until it begins to brown and caramelize.
Add the bacon back into the pan, along with the beans, cooking for an
additional 1-2 minutes, and serve.

Beans with Harrissa Oil & Tomatoes

1 tbsp Harrisa Condiment (available at specialty stores)

2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil

1 lb
green or yellow beans

1 handful cherry tomatoes, halved

In a large frying pan heat oil and harrissa over medium high
heat for 1-2 minutes, add beans and tomatoes to the pan and cook for an
additional 1-2 minutes, tossing to coat. Serve immediately.

Now here are just 4 of our favorites, but there’s so many more that include eggs, sundried tomatoes,
and different cooking procedures.

What’s your favorite bean recipe?

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