I like doing these posts, it gives me a chance to show our family and friends everything we are up to, and they love it too. Sorry for those of you who only come around for recipes you can just skip right past these.
Since winter has kind of had a slow start we were able to get a few more things done outside, like finally adding steps to the new slider. The slider was a project that Chuck and his dad tackled the first weekend in November. There are still some things to touch up (obviously) but it’s functional so that’s what matters. I’m completely in love with it. The dining room is at least 10x brighter than it was before, and check out the decor! My mom found us this unfinished wood table for $25 at a garage sale. It will be getting a face lift at some point in the future to extend its lifespan. We also started to put together my beloved gallery wall, it (like everything else) is still a work in progress. I love the challenge of filling it with handmade and found things, it’s beautiful and cheap. Now we just have to do something about getting some chairs and a new light fixture. Sorry powder blue is just not my style.
In the living room we got the TV positioned above the fireplace. This was an interesting project because TV’s are expensive and we were kind of nervous about hanging it, but it ended up only taking a couple hours and being super easy. We used this bracket. It had great instructions and Chuck pretty much did this while I hid in the office, attempting to clean. Having the TV over the fireplace makes the room flow so much better, plus we don’t have to worry about our neighbors catching inappropriate scenes on our TV through the big bay window.
I was able to pick up a few other pieces around the house as hand me downs from relatives. Free furniture is my favorite. It’s nice to finally have a place to put down my tea cup while I sit on the couch.
There is still a long way to go with this place and we are hoping to do a lot of that this summer. I’ll try to keep you updated as we go.
Have a good weekend!
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