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I’m Turning 27

It’s kind of a big deal, at least to me. Turning 25 and 26 didn’t seem like that big a deal to me, I’m still a young 20 something you  know, I’ve got all kinds of time. Now all of a sudden 27 feels old. When you put it in perspective it’s really not, but it feels that way.
I’m finding it really hard not to fall into the comparison trap. So and so has accomplished this, that and the other thing by the time they were my age. What about those young hot shots, writing bestselling books by the time they are 24? Yeah I feel like a turtle just floating on the waves, letting life pass me by.
I have to keep reminding myself that this is not the case. I’m 27 and I have a great job, a good degree, I’m getting married, looking at houses and planning another trip to Europe. These are great things that I’ve done/am doing. For whatever reason I can’t pull my mind away from the rest of those 46 peaks that I haven’t yet climbed, the book I haven’t finished yet, the places I haven’t traveled yet, the fact that I still haven’t learned to surf, and so much more.
I have thought about making a list of things to do before I’m 30, a lot of people have them, but I just don’t think it’s a good idea. Staring down a list of things that put “value” on the life that I have lived up until 30 seems absurd.
Maybe I haven’t made the time to go up 46 high peaks, but I did do a few, and I have hiked all over New England. No, I didn’t run a half
marathon but I can run 8 miles for fun and not be overwhelmed by a training schedule. I may not have learned to surf, but I learned to snowboard, kind of. I haven’t backpacked through Europe, I have spent time with my family, and in the woods I call home instead. I have paid off all of my debt. I haven’t moved up the corporate ladder, because I chose to work for a small company that makes me feel at home. I haven’t published a book yet, but I wrote the draft for one, so
could always become famous after death like Emily Dickenson. I have found love. I adopted a puppy.
I have done a lot. I don’t need a list to tell me that.
I don’t need a list to tell me what I have accomplished when I am still in the middle of building the life I want. I will accomplish things when I accomplish them, if I really do want to accomplish them. If I don’t I’m sure there is a greater accomplishment than something that fits into a line on a sheet next to a check
box in it’s place
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