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Life Lessons from Compost

Guys I have so many things going on over here. Blame the season, the moon or whatever I’m changing my ways, for good it seems.
I have always been a granola-y, experimental type, but I’ve always thought that so many of these things had to wait until I got a house. You know a place I owned that was mine, that I could build on to or change however I wanted. When I had that house man I could make some real changes, I could live so much greener. I’m starting to hit a point where I realize that this house is a bit further off than I have ever previously thought. We are waiting for the stars to align over here, and the gods only knows when that will happen.
I’m realizing that I will always be waiting for something before I start. I realize this is not what I want. I don’t want to be a big talker who never takes action. I don’t want to learn to love my walls (we are paraphrasing here).
“These walls are funny. First you hate ’em, then you get used to ’em. Enough time passes, you get so you depend on them. That’s institutionalized.” – Morgan Freeman, Shawshank Redemption
I want to do these things, and live this life that I envision, and I’m going to start doing that, right now.

I know we are getting deep here, and all I meant to talk to you about today was compost bins, because this is one of the many projects that I am starting, so that I can get where I want to be. I’m also not using shampooexperimenting with vegetarianism, learning about essential oils, learning to can and jar, and gaining a more in-depth knowledge of tea. I also want to pick sewing and knitting back up, as well as yoga and art, since I don’t want all those childhood lessons my parents sent me for to go to waste.

These are all things that touched my life at some point and have since fallen away, and I want them back to be a stronger presence for me.

So yeah I set up my compost bin this weekend.
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