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Momma’s Magic Lotion

Having a kid does thing to you. Scary, weird, nasty things, but also really beautiful things. I mean you get a tiny human at the end of it all, isn’t that wild? The human body somehow manages to build a person inside itself, push it out into the world, beating itself up in the process and then produce everything that child needs to live for the first 6 months of its life. WILD.

This crazy process does things, things we often hear about like stretchmarks, and weight gain, but then there are other not-so discussed things like chapped nipples (sorry dad).

Early on in my pregnancy, I was graced with this ridiculous rash on all my extremities that itched like crazy. It got to a point where I looked like a leper. I mean I had scratches and blood spots all over my arms and legs. Then as my belly started to grow the skin there started to itch and dry out, not the same as the rash but just as annoying.

All this, plus the fear of stretchmarks drove me to start researching natural lotions that I can make at home to help out with all of these issues. In my research, I found that many of these recipes also helped with things like chapped nipples from breastfeeding. Extra bonus: the natural recipes are ok for baby too.

I put together my own version of these recipes and fell in love pretty quickly. I gave some to a friend who had been having issues with a chronic rash, that even prescription medication hadn’t helped. Guess what? It cleared up in a couple days for her.

Have I mentioned that this stuff is magic?

I won’t say that you’re going to have the same results as me because each of our bodies are different. However for me, this stuff has reduced the appearance of stretch marks, relieved rashes and dry skin, soothed chapped nipples and put me in a good mood.

The good thing I think comes from the lavender scent. I love lavender. Don’t think though that it’s a good idea to swap the lavender essential oil for another because the healing power of the lavender is one of the main reasons I think this works so well.


I personally use Rocky Mountain Essential Oils, and love them so much I became an affiliate. That’s not a sales rep, to be clear. Nothing against them that’s just not my style. I love these oils because they are processed in a way I like, they value sustainability, and there’s no pyramid scheme. Feel free to use whatever essential oils you like, just be sure that they are topical or ingest-able grade (I always go ingest-able just in case).

Mama’s Magic Lotion

1/3 cup Unrefined Coconut Oil
1/3 cup unrefined shea butter
3 tablespoons sweet almond oil
10 drops lavender oil

Combine the coconut oil, shea butter, and almond oil in a small pot.

Heat over medium-low heat, and stir until well blended. Store in resealable jars.

Store in resealable jars.


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