So I think that I finally have this thing figured out (read Day 1 and One Month In) . The last couple weeks have been good. I wash may hair with 1 tbsp of baking soda in 1 cup of water. I then rinse it with a 50/50 apple cider vinegar mix. Once my hair is dry its pretty straw like so I have been adding coconut oil in from the bottom up. On day 2 it’s fine, and on day 3 its completely flat, so I give it a rinse with just plain water to bring the curls back for another couple days, then by day 5 or 6 its greasy and needs another wash.
My hair seems to have calmed itself down and settled into this new routine. My scalp on the other hand has been crying. I have cracked and bleeding skin all around my hair line. The itching is worse than I have ever experienced in my life. It is indescribable. It is unbearable.
Since I’m not about to give myself a moisturizing hair mask multiple times a week to counter act this problem I have decided to give this no-poo thing up. I simply just can’t swing it.
I think it’s a great concept and can totally work for someone without my dry skin problems, but it doesn’t work for me. I’m spending this week using Head & Shoulders
, and hair masking it up like a boss in an attempt to repair the damage. My fingers are so crossed that this goes away soon.
As a side note it felt really good to have silky smooth, good smelling hair again. 6 weeks is a long time to go without pretty smelling hair.
btw this is me after a day at work and a regular shampoo and conditioner |
In the mean time (and once my scalp has healed) I’m going to try out a few sulfate free vegan alternatives. I’ll let you know how that goes as it happens. Wish meluck!
Have you tried this No-Poo experiment yet? I’m interested in
how it goes for different people.
how it goes for different people.
Any tips for sulfate free vegan shampoos?PS: This counts as both an up and a down right? Since I’m happy and unhappy with the results? I’m counting it, and linking up with Chrystina today.