This is something I have thought about on and off for years now, like years and years. Then inevitably the scent of bacon wafts past and I exclaim to myself that I am an idiot for such thought and I am on my merry meat-ful way, until the next time my mind wanders in that direction.
There are so many reasons to become a vegetarian, even Einstein thought this was a great idea when he said “Nothing will benefit human health and increase the chances for survival of life on earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.”
I however am a weak individual, and the wishy-washy type who doesn’t necessarily buy in to everything that I see/hear/read. I like meat, I come from a family that hunts, and I really do think that it can benefit some of us. Do I think it’s absolutely necessary? No, but is there any one actual food that is?
The evidence is overwhelming when it comes to the benefits of a plant based diet, but even our mostly plant eating ancient ancestors partook
in some meat eating. Not that I am saying we should adopt all of their habits, I’m just saying that I personally feel there are benefits to both sides of the argument here.Am I confusing you yet? I’ll try to break down whats going on in my head.
in some meat eating. Not that I am saying we should adopt all of their habits, I’m just saying that I personally feel there are benefits to both sides of the argument here.Am I confusing you yet? I’ll try to break down whats going on in my head.
What I am thinking is:
We are in age of excess, and so we eat more of everything, especially the things that were hard to get for our ancestors, because we have been taught to prize them, specifically meat & animal products.
We are in age of excess, and so we eat more of everything, especially the things that were hard to get for our ancestors, because we have been taught to prize them, specifically meat & animal products.
My belief: An optimal diet is best grounded in whole, unprocessed foods, with a vegetable base that is prepared with love.
What this means:
That vegetables should come first, meat and starches second and third, if at all; that our food is meant to be enjoyed, all of it, in every step of its journey.
That vegetables should come first, meat and starches second and third, if at all; that our food is meant to be enjoyed, all of it, in every step of its journey.
That’s it. That’s all I’m trying to say here folks. I don’t want to criminalize any food (or food group) here, because it’s all just dandy in moderation.
These thoughts have lead me to try out a new thing or idea if you will. It’s a bit of an experiment and I’m excited to see where it goes. With everyone I know trying out a million different food fads, and dealing with an unending list of allergies I think taking a step back to the old fashioned way of eating is necessary. I’m not saying it’s all chicken pot pie, and pot roast. I’m thinking back before that when meat was more of a side dish, or a once in a while kind of thing for so many who couldn’t afford otherwise.
I’m going to be a part time vegetarian.
For those of you thinking what in the hell does that mean?; it means that I’m only going to eat meat once a day or less. I’m sure a lot of
you are thinking I’m crazy for giving it up and conversely a lot of you are thinking that’s still a lot of meat. However this is a pretty big step for me, someone who comes from a bacon, hash, sausage, turkey sandwich, and roast meat background. I, like most Americans eat meat in almost every meal which adds up to 3x daily. That is a lot of meat, a lot more than is necessary to survive, and we aren’t even talking about the portion sizes of any of these. That is a whole other discussion.
you are thinking I’m crazy for giving it up and conversely a lot of you are thinking that’s still a lot of meat. However this is a pretty big step for me, someone who comes from a bacon, hash, sausage, turkey sandwich, and roast meat background. I, like most Americans eat meat in almost every meal which adds up to 3x daily. That is a lot of meat, a lot more than is necessary to survive, and we aren’t even talking about the portion sizes of any of these. That is a whole other discussion.
Mark Bittman gives a pretty good defense of a part time diet and has a number of published works relating to his Vegan Before 6:00
diet. I chose not to go vegan because honey and cheese are hard for me to give up. That’s not to say it wont be a discussion in the future.
I want to point out that a big part of this idea is that portion control is in effect. Luckily most vegetables have larger portion sizes so I’m thinking I will be able to handle that just fine.
I am a week into this thing and only screwed up once. I’ll let you know how the next week or two goes after I have made it through some celebrations and holiday outings.