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Quarter Year Thoughts

We are a little over a quarter of the way through the year, and I can finally see some green popping up, and smell sap boiling, which means that the change of the seasons are upon us. I can’t tell you how excited I am for spring, and the rejuvenation that comes with it. I am in a place where I really need to make some serious changes and spring is always a good time for that. Needless to say I haven’t been doing well with my one little word lately.
I spoke a bit before on how last year was what I consider to be a middle year. While nothing exceptional happened, nothing terrible happened either. In the summer and fall of last year got lazy on my fitness and the craziness that has been this New Year has only made that worse. This causes a bigger problem than just being out of shape. I have always been someone who remained physically active my entire life, and I have found in the last 6 or so months that I haven’t been that my entire life seems to be slowly falling apart. I know I’m dramatic, but hear me out.
My body is in a constant state of aches. Really how is that possible? My shoulders are tense, which causes ridiculous headaches, my calves are always sore, and my knee has started to bother me if I sit too long. Let’s not even talk about my lower back, or my feet. Oh! And  the zits, dear god the zits, they are taking over! All this I’m sure contributes to the poor mood I have been in for the last couple months, but I really think the lack of actual activity is causing
that more so. I need to feel some endorphin’s man.
I also need a salad. We do eat salad all year round, because grocery stores supply that, but man what I wouldn’t give for a nice vine ripe tomato and fresh crisp veggies! I love that we have so many veggies in our freezer but I really want to start eating fresh home grown food again. Aside from the veggies I need outdoor time. This summer we weren’t able to go camping or hiking as much as we usually do, and this winter was so incredibly cold that it stopped us from doing much of anything. I feel like I’m going crazy and I can’t wait to get out to the woods!
I guess what I’m trying to say with all this is I haven’t been happy for a while. I need to check back in with my one little word and get back on track. I’m excited that spring is here, and I’m finding the motivation I need again. Besides I have a wedding dress to fit into!
How are you doing with the your goals this year? Are you excited for spring?
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