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March seemed agonizingly slow to me this year. I think it’s because the weather was so back and forth and all I could think about was getting my hands dirty in the garden. Starting a few seeds indoors just was not enough for me. I have plans for our little home, big ones and I want to get to work on them.

Both Chuck and I (me with a little prodding from Alicia) seemed to get into the spring cleaning mind set. I can never fathom where all the “stuff” in our house comes from. Why do we have so much that we simply don’t need? Where does it come from? My main goal is to get the office under control, while Chuck is anxious to get the room over the garage in order. It will all get done someday (I hope).

It’s also the home stretch of cold weather so while I haven’t spent much time developing new recipes I have been cooking our cool weather favorites in preparation for the warmer months of grilling time.

Spring here we come!



Spent on Groceries in March: $171.65 – woot woot! and I wasn’t even trying!

Total for the year: $592.62

Cost of Garden Supplies 2016: $23.28 (Seeds, pots, garden gloves, etc)

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