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Recently May

Where did may go? Like really? I feel like it was all a blur.

I did a lot of foraging this month as seen on Instargam. I feel like spring is the easiest month to forage in the Northeast there are so many things in season that it’s actually hard to keep up with them all.

I also got a nice start on all things gardening (also more gardening here). Aside from getting the vegetable garden going. Momma Chuck gave me about a million flowers to transplant at my house. I’m excited to see them all fill in over the next couple years.

It was about this time last year that Chuck and I closed on our house and in a fun turn of events some of our close friends just closed on their first house. I’m super excited to see what they do as they settle in. It will be fun to have another friend to chat about house projects with.

Unfortunately, my aching shoulder did hold me back form hiking and working out, but I am on the mend and looking forward to getting into it in June.

Spent on Groceries in May: $189.97 (remember there was a week spent away so lots of eating out)

Total for the year: $1,045.56

Cost of Garden Supplies 2016: $209 (3 cy of mulch + garden dirt + some plants)

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