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recently july

I’m feeling it, man. Oh, am I ever feeling it.

The last couple months have been wild. Lots of ups and downs happening over here. That’s life right? It tosses you up, throws you down, then flips you over and tosses you again.

We aren’t going to get into the details on here, because really, you don’t care about my petty problems. You have your own stuff to worry about. Just know that I realize this place has taken a hit like it usually does when I’m all stressed out, but also know that I’m working on remedying that. It’s not going to be right away, but it’s coming. That’s what you do when you’re in a funk like this, you keep reminding yourself that it’s not forever, and it’ll be alright. And it will be just fine very soon.

We have a new normal now that we are just settling into and it’s going to change again in a few days when Alicia moves out, and it’s back to just us three (Chuck, Brody & I) in the house. Change is the only constant, right?

Next month we are hoping things will calm down a bit and we can make some more time for the things that fill us up, like hiking, fishing and spending time with friends.

Spent on Groceries in July: $324.82

Total for the year: $1,611.22

Cost of Garden Supplies 2016: $221 (nothing so far this month, just indulging in the bounty of fresh veggies that are coming in)

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