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We have so many projects going on right now I can’t even.

We are up to our ears in canning projects. Pickles of all kinds, sauces, jellies, and salsa abound I tell you. The deck is still underway, the garden is a constant project, and well now I decided that we need to actually finish more of these little house projects. Why might you ask, because I’m a crazy person? I must be.

Dilly Beans Cooling at my Dad & Miss Amy’s

This month I admitted to you guys something huge. Well huge to me in my own little world. I also began the process of explaining myself a little further. And since I started talking about it I have done so much day dreaming. Big plans for next year already guys, big plans.

It felt good to finally get into the woods and pick up another hike, as well as catch up with Chrystina for a weekend. I tried to show her what we “suburbia-country folk” are all about. I hope I did a good job. We will see if she ever comes back.

August was a good month for me to balance out the crazy first half of summer and I’m sad that It’s over, but I’m looking forward to more hikes, cooler temperatures, and lots more garden veggies as they come in.

How has your summer been? Are you ready for fall?




Spent on Groceries in July: $297.94 (we’ve been living large lately with lobster, ribs, etc…)

Total for the year: $1,909.16

Cost of Garden Supplies 2016: $221 (nothing again this month, just enjoying the abundance)


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