Posts referenced above: Perfect Dinner Parties are for Pansies, 6 Easy Veggies to Start your Garden, The Best (Slow Cooker) Venison Pot Roast
This month was a good month.
We had a kitchen to use all month long! And if that wasn’t enough, we finished the tile back splash. I have to say it’s looking pretty darn good. I’m so incredibly impressed with Chuck’s handy work on this one. This is the biggest project that we (really him, I wasn’t allowed to do much) have ever taken on, and not only did he complete it beautifully, but he did it all with a pregnant wife who had to cook, illness, holidays, and a million other things. I am one lucky girl to have him.
High on my list this month was kicking Chuck’s butt in a sport for the first time like ever. You guys, I beat him in bowling by 3 points. Seriously, this never happens. He’s one of those people that’s just good at every sport, even when he’s never done it. It’s a little obnoxious (yes, I am jealous) but it’s nice to know I can keep up when I really want to.
We were told this month that we are having a boy. I guess that’s pretty high on the list also, but I felt like I already knew that so it was kind of just a confirmation for me. I think the rest of the family was more anxious to find out. Since the kitchen is on its way, we are finally making progress in the rest of the house, and are this close to being able to start putting together the nursery. We even picked up furniture from my grandmother this month. She needed more space, we needed baby storage, plus its antique (win-win-win).
Because this month didn’t have enough going on I somehow managed to talk Chuck into getting chickens this year. So, we picked up baby chicks. Let me tell you, those guys are so cute. I. Cant. EVEN. Brody is definitely feeling the jealousy factor, but I think he will be ok with his new sisters when they are a little bigger and a little less fragile. I can’t wait to have fresh organic eggs every day and a steady supply of awesome compost for the garden. We still have yet to build a coop (add it to the list man), and a lot more to learn, but I’m sure there will be an all chicken post coming soon. Hold tight.
Phew, I’m totally ready for April, after this month I can take on the world!
Spent on Groceries in January: $319.93 (higher than I would like again, but it’s a rough season)
Cost of Garden Supplies 2017: $57.60 (I purchased nothing new this month)
Wait. Tell me more about this picture above. Why perfect dinner parties are for pansies. xo
It’s a reference to a post I wrote earlier in the month, based on some of our conversation from Episode #2 of the podcast. I updated the post with links to the posts referenced in the photos. 🙂