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May was little less hectic for us than April, but only by a smidge, So I’m breaking it down into parts again. This might just become a thing. It’s so much easier to keep my thoughts in line this way.

The Kitchen Renovation:

This took a back seat all month long. In fact, I’m not sure either of us completed a single project in the kitchen the entire month, aside from cooking of course. It’s cool though, sometimes you just need a break, and with the fantastic weather, we were both itching to get outside.

The Chickens:

The ladies are loving their new quarters. Spending most of their days outside pecking the ground. We are starting to get down a routine with them and understanding their needs. I’m going to start giving them kitchen scraps soon and hopefully, we will be getting some amazing compost happening.

The Podcast:

So, last month I told you all about The Gatherings Podcast, that Chrystina and I started. Well, this month we are releasing our 4th episode with special guest Lizzie Post of The Emily Post Institute. We talk all about the 19th Edition of the cornerstone book Etiquette as well as discuss some of the major issues around proper etiquette and party planning. It was a really fun discussion and we absolutely loved having Lizzie on so please hop over to the site or Itunes and check it out!

The Gardens:

My early planting has come up and is just starting to let us enjoy their bounty, mostly in the form of pea shoots and radishes. The lettuce I started last month is coming in and soon will be ready for it’s first cutting. Unfortunately, I killed off a bunch of my vegetable starts during the hardening off process and the surprise 90-degree weather. It was too much and they fried. The only things that survived were the peppers and the late started herbs that weren’t outside (they are still too small because the first batch I started got knocked off the table). Then a week later while hardening of the late started herbs, they got hit by a sudden storm, before I remembered that they were outside.  I’m just not having good luck this year, but that’s ok. There is an amazing greenhouse down the road where I can buy organic starts instead. Remember we are trying to be open this year, so these little hiccups are just part of the journey.

The last few days of the month have been spent getting the beds ready for the summer veggies, such as tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, beans and cucumbers. All the rain has also made it so much of the spring plantings have take right off. Everything is so lush and green right now. I’m so excited for what’s to come!

The Baby:

Things are starting to get very real around here. This is happening in something like 6 weeks?! (OMG HOW?) and we still have so much to do. The nursery is currently filled with boxes, clothes and books, all needing to be organised. Then there is the whole actual logistics part of having a kid, knowing who to call, what to pack, and how to actually deal with the whole process, you know little things.

The Social Calendar:

This month was all about being social. It was a much-needed change from last month. There were mothers day activities, one of my baby showers (which also includes out of town guests), and visiting friends in Maine.

Looking Forward:

June is expected to be all about baby prep, and I’m ready for it I tell you! A few weekends with no real plans except getting things done sounds actually glorious.


Spent on Groceries in January: $344.15 (A little better. The challenge this month was altering my diet to comply with predominately vegetarian, gestational diabetes and whole food requirements. Thank god for blood sugar monitors.)

Cost of Garden Supplies 2017: $115.57 (This number includes all of 2017, in June I bought a few garden boxes and some soil amendments)

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