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February was a good month. There was a moment there where I thought I was going to lose my mind with all the ice & freezing rain, but we made it through. And, if the last few days are any indication then spring is right around the corner. I am so excited for spring this year I can’t even contain myself.

he Baby:

There’s some Mamma’s and Dadda’s happening now and this little boy is learning to move. He has one heck of a personality and knows just what he wants. Most of the time what he wants is food.

House Projects:

So many projects are put on hold while we baby proof the house. The main thing is securing all the furniture to the walls and moving breakables/books from reachable places. It’s amazing what these kids can do! However, we will soon be able to paint the kitchen. EEEEeeeeeeeee. I have been waiting forever for this and its so close. You guys. I can finally do a kitchen reveal!

Do remember way back when when I told you about my kitchen inspiration? Yeah, I’m still hanging with it, so I’m hoping for a really luscious green color.

The Gardens:

I won’t reiterate what’s already been discussed. But, did you see my pretty watercolors?

The Chickens:

There is a lot less to report on the chicken front this time around. Everyone seems to be happy(ish) and healthy. I think they are getting a bit sick of the cold weather and are ready for some sun. Who could blame them? Also, the coop could use a solid cleaning, like desperately. It will happen as soon as weather/time allows.

The Podcast:

This episode was a good one (not that they aren’t all good). We talked to Ana of Rosemary and Rye about Impostor Syndrome and how some specific examples of times we have that feeling. We also bolstered each other up and came up with some solutions for dealing with it. It’s definitely and episode for the party hostess with anxiety.

Listen to it on iTunes, or on

Looking Forward:

I have high hopes for seeing more people and getting things done. Also, I’m turning 30. Here’s to February.


Spent on Groceries in November:

$396.17 – a little better than last month. There is still so much in the freezer that needs to be cleaned out.

The cost of Garden Supplies 2017:

$40 – This includes all of 2018. Nothing new this month, just waiting on that ground to thaw out!


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