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Last time we sat down for this little update I told you that we were so busy, and let me just say that it hasn’t felt like it’s slowed down at all. Except now I’m getting that nesting itch where that second baby is on the way, and it suddenly feels like crunch time. There’s still so much to do you guys!

The Babies:

As I mentioned before, Monster got sick toward the end of August with a stomach bug, well that lasted what seemed like forever. He also got a cold (which I also got) and had 6-ish teeth coming in all in the first few weeks of September. Did I mention Chuck was still working like crazy, and even away for a week of all this? Let’s just say I had my hands full. Lord help me when there’s two of them passing things back and forth.

House & Garden Projects:

I finally got some time to go through nearly all the closets in the house and get some serious reorganizing done. We needed to change the way we were doing some things to accommodate more little people around the house. It amazingly cathartic to deep clean and get rid of stuff. Next on the list is to set up the nursery, and re-organize the upstairs (guest room, office, man cave) room.

As for the garden it’s been producing quite well despite over planting and obvious neglect. I had all the best intentions to thin so many plants, and I did well in the spring, before Monster learned to really crawl, and then walk. Now I can’t get any time out there to get anything done without his “help”. Thinking about it now it’s pretty amazing just how much he has grown since just the spring!

The Chickens:

We have made the decision to pack our freezers with homegrown chicken this fall. They are hitting 2 years old, and have bare backs. We don’t want to risk frostbite or illness this winter with them. We got chickens so they would have a better life, and we could have quality eggs, but we always knew that when they stopped laying they would become meat for the table. This is a little earlier than planned, but we really think it’s what’s best for them, and us (if we are being honest). Once it gets a bit cooler we are going to cull them and clean out the coop. In the spring we will hopefully get some new layers. However, we are going to avoid getting chicks again. It was fun and cute, but also a lot of work.

The Podcast:

This episode we got to talk dinner parties with Rico and Brendan formerly of the Dinner Party Download Podcast. We also touched on their new book Brunch is Hell and some other fun stuff. They are funny and so in tune with pop culture. Definitely for check it out now on iTunes, or on

Looking Forward:

Lots of things that I can’t talk about quite yet. Hold tight.


Spent on Groceries in November:

$454.85– I’ll be posting a full breakdown with more info on how this compares to other years with the #localthirty challenge in a few days. Stay tuned.

The cost of Garden Supplies 2017:

$162 – This includes all of 2018. Nothing new this month, but we are eating all kinds of things, with more to come!

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