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Welcome, 2019!

Welcome Baby!

Obviously, we had a lot happen in December this year. If you’re following me on Instagram, you know a lot of it. I’m not getting into the details on here. Right now we are all home, and happy. There’s still some healing to do, but that’s a slow and steady thing.

I’m not going to do my usual break down in this post, because I’m sure you really only care about the babies anyway.

Baby Bear arrived mid-month and threw us all for a loop. Adjusting to a family of 4 with 2 littles under 2 is a lot for sure, but we are finding our way. It will be an ongoing adjustment for a while I’m sure. It’s been pretty fabulous to watch Monster accept his new brother with so much love. There is occasional jealousy, but so far it’s mostly just love. There’s also a lot of pride, he has to show everyone who comes in the house his new brother. He hates to hear him cry and loves to give him kisses.




$240.10 – The beginning of the month there was a lot of time spent in the hospital and therefore eating on the go. When we did get home we were lucky enough to be provided so many meals by our friends and family. I haven’t even broken into our stash of freezer meals yet. It would be fabulous to start the New Year with a lower grocery bill while still eating super healthy. I’ll let you know next Recently.

The cost of Garden Supplies 2017:

$162 – This includes all of 2018. I wanted to weight the lbs of food we got this year, but that just didn’t work out. Maybe next year? I’d love to see a cost/benefit analysis with this sometime.

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