So November has passed and with it my favorite time of year, now we are moving into the frigid temperatures and busy holiday season. This month a lot has happened around the SL&G house.
I showed you all our new door and our in progress bedroom, but we still have a long way to go with this house.
We welcomed some amazing new souls into this world and I’m so excited to watch those cute little girls grow up. O hey, I’m an aunt now!!
I got to travel to CT again and hang out all weekend with some awesome people (apparently we are really bad at taking pictures, so I have none)
There was a Friends Giving celebration with another group of awesome friends and a stuffing cook off, in which I’m pretty sure we all won. #weatetoomuch
All the food and good times has gotten both Chuck and I thinking more about our health and the fact that we have been majorly slacking. It’s time we did something about this. I’m still working on a plan for getting through the rest of the holidays with healthy eating, but in the mean time we started the #mileadaychallange. Everyday between thanksgiving and Christmas we plan to walk at least 1 mile on top of whatever else we have done that day. We have 5 days under our belts and are still going strong.
I also took some time to analyze my diet again and talks about how much I am loving Part Time Vegetarianism.
This month was also NaNoWriMo. The month were thousands of people challenge themselves to write 50,000 words in 30 days. I participated last year and made it to 40k before my story ended. This year I was in no way prepared to take on this challenge so instead I decided to challenge myself to work for 10 minutes a day on one of the books I have in the works. Honestly I wasn’t able to even do this. Some days I was able to put in hours, while others Netflix won that battle. I know I could have tried harder but honestly this was the first time in months that I had time to do anything at all. That 10 minutes a day turned into time to work on passion projects of all kinds, including the blanket I mentioned above. I also got my thank you cards in so that took up some time as well. This was the creative spark that I was looking for, so I’m still calling it a win. Next year I’m going to take on this challenge and win.
I always leave CT having forgotten to take any pictures. I think it’s because we’re just having too much fun to think of it? We will have to work on that next time though!
Yeah. Sometimes it’s better not to be behind the camera lense.