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January Proved to be an intensely satisfying month.

Chuck and I completed the Tim Ferris Geek to Freak Challenge, which I will go over in detail in tomorrow’s recap post. The big thing that we changed was our diet for 28 days. I’ll just say that it’s definitely changed the way we think about food, diet, and the cost of it all.

We got some awesome surprise visits from great friends that we haven’t seen in a while, which is always a special treat.

We made some more progress on house stuff including basement cleaning, stair building, and organization. I swear we will have our mass of stuff organized soon even if it kills me.

I finally made time to really get creative again.

Many an evening has been spent in front of the fire, playing our new favorite game and making lots of plans. This was the month we took the time to get our financial house in order. Making plans for retirement savings, accelerated mortgage payments, and financing house projects. We are in a good place but we can do better, and I’m on quest to do just that. This is what being BRAVE is about right? Striving for the things that you want in life and making your dreams come true.

As far as the blog goes I started a new series, updated my Clean Eating page, started a new shared Pinterest board, and started working on the 2015 Best of SL&G ebook that will be available for free in the near future. You can get it first by signing up for my monthly newsletter in the side bar.

All in all I think it was a good start to the year and I’m so excited to see what 2016 has to bring us.

Cost of Groceries in January: $198.04

Cost of Garden Supplies: $1.80 (I bought some flower seeds)

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