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Recently No. 2

Here is a list of stuff I have been up to, and things that have been on my mind recently:

Happy Labor Day!

There were lots of bachelorette, and bachelor parties this month that culminated in my future Sister and Brother in law’s wedding on Saturday. Congratulations all around!

Did you know you can remineralize your teeth? (link 1, Link 2)Holy wow! My mind was pretty blown from the info on potatoes in the last post. Now we need to talk about teeth, and dentistry. This information is literally jaw dropping (see what I did there).

A few reasons we should all be grateful.

I cannot say enough about this podcast. I have been obsessed lately. Even if you aren’t a business owner or a blogger, it’s just so cool to learn more about how other people and artists actually make money, live their lives, and spend their time. Seriously inspiring.

Do you know how many fruits and veggies you should eat in a day? This collage spells it out beautifully.

Date night.

I have been loving tomato recipes this month. I already made Mimi’s tomato Tart, Joy’s Tomato Cobbler with blue cheese biscuits, panzanella, fresh tomato sauce, and Herb Roasted Tomatoes & Chicken and tomato season isnt even half over yet!

I FINALLY finished The Paris Wife. It was so hard! Hadley is such a frustrating character. I’m not sure Z: A Novel of Zelda Fitzgerald would be much better considering all that is said about her but it’s on my to read list as well, someday.

I also FINALLY finished Dragonfly in Amber (Outlander Book 2). This series is amazing and I need to get my hands on the third book.

Also I am currently 1/2 way through The Queen of the Tearling. So far so good.

. . . Maybe I shouldn’t have given up on my monthly book reviews quite so soon?

There is a lot going on in the middle east right now, and it all breaks my heart. Samaritan’s Purse is doing what it can for displaced families over there, and I’m sure they would appreciate all the help they can get.

Just YES!

We finally got to the woods for a little local hike, as well as camping for Chuck’s birthday. I even got to spend a weekend up at my parents camp. I feel whole again. I had been missing the woods so bad!

I started out as a contributor for The Charming Blog this month. I am super stoked about the opportunity to work with some amazing ladies. You can catch my first post here and I’ll try to keep you updated on all my future posts.

I love this.
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