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This Guy and this article brings tears to my eyes. I’m so happy to call Burb’s a friend. We are all so proud of you man!

Do you realize that this is my 400th post. I mean 400 is a lot of posting. It’s kind of an accomplishment.

For some more woman fueled inspiration.

Oh and:
Rothblatt created this awesome/terrifying robot, and all people want to talk about is her gender? – Best quote ever from this article. I mean seriously I would give anything to spend an afternoon with Martine. 

I started learning about essential oils. Not only buying my first set, but picking up some reading material too. So far so good. The headaches are at bay, and the sleeping is so much better. Chuck May or may not be convinced they are the cause of some of his headaches, but we are working on that.

I got in touch with some friends I hadn’t seen in a while for some much needed chats. It was reviving.

September was the month of weddings. Kicked off by my future brother & sister in law over labor day weekend.

It was also the month of tomatoes. So.Many.Tomatoes.

Keeping this in mind while I plan a fall detox.

Apple Picking is a highlight for me every year, and since then I have been on an apple recipes binge. If your interested in everything apple check out some of my past recipes (Chicken w/ Apples & Fennel, Apple Pork Chops, Engagement Tart, Crockpot Clean Applesauce, Apple Spice Meatballs, & Vermonter Panini)

This Idea. WOW

Vegans talking about ex-Vegans – The concept doesnt just apply to vegans.

10 most important things to simplify your life.

And while we are on the topic, I will be doing alot of cleaning this weekend so here 5 Questions to ask yourself while Decluttering

Yoga might have to start happening more often. These poses are a good start.

I relaunched my old recipe page. Replacing my pinterest boards It’s the best I can do now, but someday I would like to use pictures as well instead of just titles. That is a lot of coding with blogger though, so it’s a ways down the road.

This is the best blogging advice I’ve seen in a loooong time.

I also launched a newsletter, that you should totally sign up for. There will be no spam, I promise. Just a once a month update that includes the tops posts from the past month as well as anything written by me elsewhere on the net and any big news I have for you. It’s totally worth it. Just sign up already!

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And because we haven’t talked music in a while, and I’m totally obsessed with song right now.

All About That Bass by Meghan Trainor on Grooveshark
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