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A Romantic Dinner for Two

A Romantic Dinner for Two

Valentines day is coming up, and while most people make reservations at expensive restaurants I really love to cook a romantic meal at home.

It’s a  little more casual, and relaxed. The food is always good and it’s always less expensive. I also firmly believe that if something goes wrong take-out by candle light can be just as romantic.

Romantic Menus of the Past

Quick and Easy Valentine’s Day Dinner

5 Awesome Valentine’s Day Menus to Prepare at Home

Fall Date Night on a Budget


Obviously I’ve come up with a number of romantic menus before, but this year I’m going for something a little more casual, a little more fun, and hopefully more memorable. Some of our favorite recipes and simple treats (I’m looking at you Mr. Sundae) will make a perfect Valentines Day Meal.

The Menu

Appetizer – Pear Brie & Balsamic Toasts

Salad – Green Salad with Honey Lime Vinaigrette

Main Course – Penne con Fionchietto

Desert – Hot Fudge Sundaes

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