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Rose Hip & Raspberry Leaf Tea

We all have our thing. You know, the one thing that we do that just makes the world a better place for a few minutes. For me that thing is tea. The ritual of heating up the kettle, pouring out the tea leaves and/or herb pieces into a sieve and pouring the boiling water over the top is my thing.

It’s not as simple as just pressing a button on a machine and pouring it into a cup. I like the actual process. It makes me stop, slow down, inhale, smell, and relax. Of course drinking delicious tea is also a favorite pastime for me, but it’s all in the process. Sometimes I will just sit with a steeping cup of tea and breathe it in. I love the scents, and the heat, the way they immediately make me feel better about whatever is going on.

The last few years I have really fallen in love with herbal teas. Mostly because as I get older I realized that drinking caffeinated beverages all day long is probably not good for me. I’ve tried a lot of different teas and definitely have a few favorites. This raspberry leaf and rose hip tea is one of those favorites.

I was given some off brand tea one Christmas that had rose hips, raspberry leaves, and hibiscus amongst some other things. You guys, it was one of the best teas I have ever had. Unfortunately, I’ve never been able to find it again, so I ventured to make my own. It’s not exactly the same, but man is it good. I like it best with just a hint of honey. Of course, I like most tea with just a hint of honey. Who doesn’t like honey?

I was able to pick most of the ingredients from mine or Momma Chucks garden with the exception of the hibiscus. I was able to order that from Plum Deluxe, and at a time when they didn’t have it I got it from here.

Want to know the added bonus of this tea? It supports women’s health. Not only is it high in vitamin C (thanks to the rose hips) but the raspberry leaf has been known to help strengthen the pelvic floor. Meaning it helps with that whole birthing thing.

Yes, I drank a whole lot of this while pregnant. Additionally, I’m told it’s known to help bring on labor in the end. I can’t verify any of this, but I will tell you that I had a cup of it the day I went into labor, and by all accounts, I had a fairly easy birth (not sure what part was easy, but the Doctors tell me it was).


A quick note about finding the hibiscus: I have gotten it from both Plum Deluxe and Amazon. It is not easily found in regular grocery stores.

As always I’d like to remind you that I’m not a doctor. So, while I do talk about the health benefits of some things on this blog, don’t take my word for it. Talk to a professional.

Rose Hip & Raspberry Leaf Tea

  • 1 tablespoon dried and crushed raspberry leaf
  • 1 tablespoon dried rosehips
  • ½ teaspoon loose leaf hibiscus
  1. Combine all ingredients in a tea ball or loose leaf bag. Add to one cup of hot water and steep for 2 minutes. Discard as desired. Drink warm. 

This recipe is meant to be an outline. Everyone’s tastes are different so play around with the volumes and figure out what combination works best for you.

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