I like to do a spring cleaning of my houseplants every year early in April. This year winter decided to stay late and I wasn’t able to get a nice enough day until recently. Spring cleaning houseplants is something that everyone should be doing. Keeping your plants in the same soil will eventually cause them to struggle and potentially die. Just like the plant’s in your garden, houseplants need space and nutrient-dense soil to thrive.
I like to switch up the pots, add some compost, and new soil for all of my plants. It gives me an opportunity to clean the pots, which can get moldy or attract bugs in some cases. Additionally, I get the opportunity to freshen up the look of the house, by switching pots around. Let’s be honest, I also buy a couple fun new pots a year, because how can you not? (#crazyplantlady status)
Quite a few of my plants also get the opportunity to venture outside for the summer. Exposure to the elements helps to strengthen them, and often times they come back in looking ten times better than when I put them out there.
This is also a great time to take cuttings for rooting new plants, or separating new shoots into their own pots. Often I give these away as gifts or sell them at garage sales because Chuck might kill me if our plant collection grows too much larger.
Find out more about spring cleaning your houseplants in the video below. (P.S. this is my first real Vlog! What do you think? If you like it, please subscribe!)
459599 158861An incredibly fascinating read, I may possibly not concur completely, but you do make some incredibly valid points. 296159