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Spring Equinox Check in

The Spring Equinox is Monday, not that the weather has gotten that memo. It’s been rather cold here, something like 5 degrees (F) in the mornings. I try not to think about it in hopes that spring is in fact on its way.

I’ve always thought that the changing of the seasons was a good time to check in with intentions that I had set at the beginning of the new year or to set new intentions if that’s what needs to happen.

This year I’m trying (and mostly failing) to take it easy on myself, by having very few concrete goals. I’m trying to be open to all the new things that will be entering our lives and letting go of so much other stuff, both physical and emotional. It seems there’s always cleaning to do in that respect.

So far I’ve committed myself to having a kid (you already knew this), starting a podcast (more on that soon), taking an online blogging course (or three), helping out with some community stuff, prepping for a big professional exam at work (maybe), and a bunch of kind of big house projects (decks, kitchens, furniture, painting). Yeah, I’m doing really great at this taking it easy thing.

Despite all the goings on in our little corner of the world I have to say that I’m really enjoying it all. I’m more excited than ever to see whats around the corner. I feel like I’m actually making progress toward a lifestyle I can feel good about.

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