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Spring Radish Salad with Bacon, & Asparagus Carbonara

Sometimes you simply cannot get your significant other to
agree with you on what should be made for dinner. Sometimes you give in, or
they give in, or you make two totally different dishes and just eat them
I mean it’s not like there are rules to this eating thing
anyway. There is no need to argue about it, let’s all just get along.
In our house it’s usually me wanting salad or seafood and
Chuck turning up his nose at it in favor of heartier meals, with gravy, pasta,
and cheese.  Usually Chuck wins, since I get
a night or two a week on my own often enough to keep my cravings at bay. The
other part of the time we typically find some kind of compromise.
This meal is a pretty good example of that. I wanted light,
fresh and zingy, while he wanted hearty, creamy, and cheesy. Enter a big
bountiful fresh spring salad, and asparagus carbonara. Asparagus is one of
Chuck’s favorite vegetables, and carbonara is one of his favorite pasta dishes,
and I could always go for a little bacon. I think these came together well,
despite being totally different dishes, we were both happily satisfied in the

Bacon & Asparagus Carbonara

¾ lb spaghetti,
1 bunch asparagus, cut into 1-2inch pieces
2 large eggs
2/3 cup grate Parmesan cheese, plus more for garnish
½ tbsp extra virgin olive oil
4 strips of bacon, chopped
2 cloves of garlic, minced
¼ cup dry white wine
Salt & pepper to taste

Cook the Pasta according to package instructions, adding the
asparagus in the last 2 minutes of cooking. Also reserve ½ cup of the pasta
water before draining. While the pasta is cooking beat together the eggs and
cheese in a large bowl. Once finished toss the hot pasta in the egg mixture to
coat. In a large skillet heat the oil over medium high heat, and add bacon.
Cook the bacon until it is crisp, and stir in the garlic cook for an additional
minute. Add the wine to the pan and cook until it has reduced slightly (about 2
minutes). Add the reserved pasta water and pour the mixture over the pasta,
tossing to coat. Adjust seasonings, and serve warm topped with additional
cheese for garnish.
Spring Salad

3 cups spring lettuce mix, loosely packed
1 cup arugula, loosely packed
½ cup alfalfa sprouts, loosely packed
1 bunch radishes, sliced

In a large bowl toss all lettuce with Honey Poppy Seed
Vinaigrette (Recipe Follows) and serve immediately.
Honey Mustard Poppy Seed Vinaigrette (Original Recipe)

2 tbs Dijon mustard
1 tbsp raw honey
1 tbsp champagne vinegar
3 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
1 small shallot, minced
2 tsp poppy seeds
Pinch of salt

In a small bowl whisk together all ingrediants, and adjust
seasonings as needed.

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