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The 2019 Garden Plan

Perhaps this post should be called something more along the lines of “Lack of 2019 Garden Plan”, because this year is going to be very different than previous years.

I’m not going to lie my inner type A control freak is not pleased with this whole lack of a plan plan, but I feel like it’s the only way. I have spent the last 3 years at this house trying to do all the things, and the result of that has been a lot of half-assed things. I hate to lay blame but this whole having babies thing got in the way quite a bit. At the end of each season I was left feeling bleh about the whole thing, kind of like a spoiled child who didn’t get exactly what they wanted. Don’t tell my husband that I’m admitting this, please!

I can feel myself falling out of love with gardening. Things start to feel like work to me when they don’t come out “Pinterest perfect” (it’s something I’m working on). It’s also really hard to focus while also trying to stop your toddler from putting everything in his mouth.

In an effort to save myself, and my garden I’m going to spend this year just focusing on repairing and restoring. Yes, there will still be a little vegetable garden, which for once, I’m not going to expand this year. I’m also not planning to succession plant anything (i.e. I’m not planting both spring and fall crops this year) However, most of this season will be about weeding, amending, and mulching beds. There are quite a few plants that need to be cut back or moved entirely, and a number of spaces that need filling in.

I don’t think this lack of plan means we will have any less work on our hands. On the contrary, I think we potentially have more to conquer this year than we have in years passed. I’m hopeful that at the end of this season the yard will start to actually feel the way I envisioned it when we first moved in, but have since failed to execute.

If any of my local friends have plants they are separating and want to trade for some of the stuff that I have please reach out!!

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