This is a story about how I came to make the best granny square blanket ever.
Way back in winter I taught myself how to knit & crochet as one of the first projects in my 12-12-12 project this year. Then crocheting took a huge hold on my life for a while. I was making everything! And this blanket became one of the things I wanted to make. I spent $80 on new yarn on my birthday and got started right away.
I knew this project was a bit large for a novice crochetter but I couldn’t help myself. It was however this reason that I decided not to share that I was taking on this task on the blog. Honestly I was afraid I may never actually finish it. To my own surprise I actually finished in record time, and wrapped the whole thing up at the end of May, which equates to roughly 3 months. And I impress myself.
At the time I had a lot going on, including but not limited to buying a house, attending and planning wedding events and yadda yadda, so I never got around to posting about it. Next thing I know we moved and its summer and the blanket got shoved into a basket somewhere and forgotten until recently.
I pulled it out for the first time a couple weeks ago and laid it on the guest bed. I haven’t been able to stop looking at it since. I’m so proud and it’s so pretty. To give you an idea of the size of the blanket the bed above is a full size bed.
I won’t even pretend that I can explain to you how to make this thing, but if anyone is interested go here. Sandra does a great job of explaining her methodology in making the original blanket.
Have you finished any awesome projects lately?
I love your blanket how many squares did you make for it
Thanks Tabitha. Honestly, I’d have to count the number of squares I just kept adding rows until I thought it was the size I wanted, however I believe its close to 400.
wow you should be so proud of yourself! i can’t believe you made this entire blanket after learning to crochet just this past winter. super impressive and it’s so pretty1
Thanks so much. It was actually pretty easy, just needed the time to get it all done. Thankfully it’s pretty easy to do while watching tv or during road trips.