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The Best Granny Square Blanket

This is a story about how I came to make the best granny square blanket ever.

I was never to in love with the look of granny square blankets. Most of the time they look a little old lady-ish to me (just my opinion). I think the thing was that I had only ever seen them joined with a border like this.
Then I saw this post and thought woah! This is a granny square blanket I can get behind. It was amazing! I loved all the colors and the fact that there were so many tiny squares. You guys do you see all the colors? SO.MANY.COLORS.

Way back in winter I taught myself how to knit & crochet as one of the first projects in my 12-12-12 project this year. Then crocheting took a huge hold on my life for a while. I was making everything! And this blanket became one of the things I wanted to make. I spent $80 on new yarn on my birthday and got started right away.

I knew this project was a bit large for a novice crochetter but I couldn’t help myself. It was however this reason that I decided not to share that I was taking on this task on the blog. Honestly I was afraid I may never actually finish it. To my own surprise I actually finished in record time, and wrapped the whole thing up at the end of May, which equates to roughly 3 months. And I impress myself.

At the time I had a lot going on, including but not limited to buying a house, attending and planning wedding events and yadda yadda, so I never got around to posting about it. Next thing I know we moved and its summer and the blanket got shoved into a basket somewhere and forgotten until recently.

I pulled it out for the first time a couple weeks ago and laid it on the guest bed. I haven’t been able to stop looking at it since. I’m so proud and it’s so pretty. To give you an idea of the size of the blanket the bed above is a full size bed.

I won’t even pretend that I can explain to you how to make this thing, but if anyone is interested go here. Sandra does a great job of explaining her methodology in making the original blanket.

Have you finished any awesome projects lately?


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