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The Reasons I Blog

Someone asked me recently why I blog; shortly after laughing at
the fact that I have made less than $100 at this thing so far this year. I’m
sure I came back with something snarky, but since I was slightly inebriated at
the time I’m not exactly sure what I said, but that comment and laugh will stay
with me for a while.
People it’s not about the money. Really I just think it’s cool that I can
make anything at this thing, even if
I don’t see a dime of it, which I don’t because the pennies I make go right
back into buying cook books, camera gadgets, blog sponsorships and all that
other fun stuff. Actually when you add all that up I’m probably a couple
hundred dollars negative.
The thing is that I would be buying that stuff anyway. I would be writing here anyway. I would be churning out new
recipes anyway. I would be learning
to use my fancy camera anyway. These
are things I enjoyed and started doing years before I was told I should start a
The best part of this blog is that it gives me an outlet for all of
it as well as a place to record memories, and big events. It’s a place I can
look back on my thoughts and feelings and remember it all.
Yeah I have plans to take my blog further. Yes I would love more
followers, and to make more money. However I wonder if anyone doesn’t feel that
way, I mean we all just want to be liked right? What’s so bad about that?
I experiment with different ways to accomplish this but at the end
of the day this blog is still about me, and my interests, and stories, and
feelings. I can only hope that those things shine through to you above all
else. I’ll never try to be a sellout, though I may try to be a comedian or
Martha Stewart from time to time, but even after 2+ years I’m still a newb, and
still trying to figure out my own voice. Hell I’m still trying to figure out
what I want out of life, and my career, how can you expect me to have this blog
thing down perfectly?

What are your feelings on those who make money from blogging?
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