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Things About Running on the Beach

I think I’m a pretty good authority on this since I’ve, you
know, done it more than once before. Not that I live anywhere near a beach mind
you but believe me I know what I am talking about, kind of. This is what I have
learned from running on the beach.

Your feet will hurt if you go bare
foot. They aren’t used to digging into the sand like that, so since your probably on vacation anyway get a pedicure afterward the massage will feel wonderful.
Holy calf soreness.
When you start to sweat all the
sand will stick to your entire body, and weasel its way into every single
crevice. It sucks, get over it.
Wear your bathing suit, or workout gear you can jump into the ocean with. The easiest
way to cool off/de-sand is to jump in the water, though it will mean that you are then covered in salt, but you’ll have to choose your battles.
It’s windier than you think.
Sea shells, sea weed, and rocks
pop up out of nowhere, look where you run.
Run both directions on the beach,
the incline messes with you and you will want to even that out.
Run just along the water line, the
sand is firmer there, but pay attention to the tide too. When it comes up and takes the sand out from under your feet you may stumble.
The beach fills up fast, so get out there
at like dawn, though dodging kids and beach chairs might increase the number of calories burnt it’s also kind of dangerous.
It’s worth everything, because it’s
beautiful and feels amazing.

Anything I missed fellow beach running gurus?

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